Vitamin C Benefits
For many people, coming winter is the time to hibernate, but on the other hand, a lot prefer to go out and have fun. Whatever you choose to do, the foremost responsibility is to take care of yourself. It entails altering your diet according to the season and adding various nutrients to fulfill even if you are not going out much. Winter brings certain illnesses which can be easily cured by warm meals, soups and adding specific vitamins, such as vitamin C benefits a lot especially in the flu which is quite common in winters.
There are other reasons to have added vitamins in winter, which are discussed below.
How does winter affect health?
Snow and freezing temperatures can put your health at risk. The extreme cold and chilling winds can hit the bones and develop frostbite on the cheekbones, lips, eyes, fingers, and toes. Your skin may turn black due to the lack of vitamins and oxygen. Furthermore, your body may lose moisture and release more heat than usual. You also can suffer from shivering and hypothermia, which leads to death eventually. Moreover, your heart will have to work more because we exercise and walk more to get the heat. It may lead to extreme pressure on the heart, which leads to cardiovascular diseases.
On the other hand, if you keep eating healthy foods and develop a healthy habit of regular intake of essential vitamins, this norm will no longer exist. Let us find out how vitamin C benefits the body in the winter season.
Vitamin C:
This vitamin is commonly known as ascorbic acid and is freely found almost in all citrus fruits. It has excellent anti-viral properties that decrease all viral infections, among which flu and cough are most common. It also improves immunity if taken in the correct quantity. Vitamin C benefits a lot to have it in broccoli, sweet potatoes, oranges, and all kinds of berries. Don’t forget to add carrot and beetroot to your daily diet. Furthermore, you can take a warm glass of water early in the morning with lemon juice, serving as an instant immunity booster. Since our body and cells do not make vitamin C, you have to take it orally in fruits and vegetables or supplements.
Omega 3:
The best source for omega 3 is fish oils. Seafood is quite common in areas where winters prevail throughout the year. In the seafood category, people usually consume various types of fish, which is a wholesome meal. Omega 3 provides immense nutrients such as it lowers blood pressure, fights depression and anxiety, and reduces triglycerides. It is highly beneficial if you want to reduce fats and live a healthy life.
Furthermore, it keeps the arteries healthy with additional benefits to the heart. It keeps the heart beating and prevents stroke. The most important is for the eyes and brain. Many people eat fish eyes, and it is said that it gives your eyes a better vision.
Omega 3 also reduces inflammation and is suitable for healthy skin and mood swings. If your diet has less omega three, you can develop poor memory: Depression and dry skin. Also, you can feel fatigued all the time, which slows work habits.
You can have fatty acids by having flaxseeds, walnuts, and pressed hemp oils. The best source is fish and fish oils only, so don’t forget to add DHA and DPA in your daily regime.
No one can deny the importance of zinc in daily life. Zinc is vital for the body as the body cannot progress without it. It supports metabolism and gives a natural shine to the hair, nails, and skin. If you cannot go for zinc as honestly in your diet, then go for supplements and maintain a healthy dose by prescription. You can combine zinc and vitamin C benefits to get the maximum healthy diet.
Vitamin B:
Vitamin b has a family of essential b vitamins and has a broad role in maintaining a healthy body. It develops a good metabolism and keeps the energy going, and it regenerates your nervous system, makes it more robust, and transports better cells to the brain.
It is also suitable for muscles and skin. All vegetarians can have these vitamins in your diet plan as essential but check your vitamin level as the better source is meat. It will also keep your body warm, which is necessary during winters.
Vitamin D:
These sets of vitamins are obtained from the sun primarily. But what if you can’t get enough sun in winters? Choose a diet plan which has vitamin D in it. But since it is impossible to get it from the sun alone, take supplements. People over the age of forty and above should include vitamin D as supplements because it will also reduce depression and take good care of bones, skin, and teeth.
Get a check:
All doctors recommend keeping a check on the vitamin level of your body. If you suffer from brittle hair and nails with cracked lips, then include all these essential vitamins in your diet. It will also improve your mood, reduce tension and stress and create a better energy level.
Many people take winter for granted. It is the expected time of the year when you can have a good diet and eat healthily. Since people tend to stay indoors, they have more and bigger meals which is a good sign if the meals are in the proper portion.
So keeping in view the vitamin C benefits, it is highly recommended to include all supplements daily or eat healthy as per your lifestyle.